Saturday, April 12, 2008

A few questions

Here are a few questions for you:

1) Where is the craziest location that you've been to where you had story ideas plowing through your mind? Thursday night my hubby and I went to a Dierks Bentley concert. While it was really good, I couldn't shut off the writer brain. I had all kinds of suspense plot-lines running through my head. Craziness!

2) What makes a setting or character jump out for you? What was your favorite of each from a book you've read? What do you think the author did to make that element come to life on the page?

3) What triggers the idea for a character in your mind? Is it something you see? Something you read? A quirk in someone you know? Often my heroines have a trace of me in them. So far they're all fairly independent but feel trapped by something -- usually having to do with family. But when left to their own devices lean toward Type A, don't box me in gals. My first hero Willard, from Canteen Dreams, is always playing with a baseball. I got this idea from my grandfather Willard's background. He played a lot of baseball growing up and as a young man, so it made sense that he would be most comfortable with a baseball in his hand.

Let's hear your thoughts!

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